Thursday, March 31, 2005

Buzz Game: Home The Tech Buzz Game is a fantasy prediction market for high-tech products, concepts, and trends
EPIC 2014 Future history of media
Spell with flickr
AnandTech: Interview with AMD's Fred Weber - The Future of AMD Microprocessors
beblu: home home entertainment mini-component computer system

Saturday, March 26, 2005

SIN CITY btw this looks like it'll be an amazing movie.
[ SpectSoft, LLC ] What does RaveHD do?
Well, RaveHD doesn't make toast, but if you are looking for a DDR that works the way you do you have come to the right place. RaveHD works natively with image sequences using industry standard image file formats (TGA, RGB, YUV, DPX to name a few). On top of that, it allows you to use standard file protocols (FTP, Samba, NFS, etc) to move frames on/off the disk because the images sit on a standard XFS file system!
DVForge - Virus Prize 2005 - infect'a'mac
Manchester Revealed
publius_ovidius: Don't f*ck with Ovid -- the long version

Friday, March 25, 2005

The Seamful Game is a GPS and WiFi based game played in the streets using PDAs.
TomsNetworking Product Reviews : TomsNetworking : NETGEAR Wireless Digital Media Player (MP115)
CTWatch Blog ? Blog Archive ? BlueGene/L doubles up BlueGene/L can now crank away at 135.3 trillion floating point operations per second (teraflops), up from the 70.72 teraflops
MIT Media Laboratoy: Press Images - Clocky: "When the alarm clock goes off and the snooze button is pressed, Clocky will roll off the bedside table and wheel away, bumping mindlessly into objects on the floor until it eventually finds a spot to rest."

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

IBM set to use spam to attack spammers - Mar. 22, 2005
The PC Era Is Just Beginning
Firefox explorers - Next - A major Australian newspaper has a lengthy and detailed feature on open source/standards, avoiding vendor lock-in, and specifically the increasing uptake of Firefox by major organisations' IT departments. It touches on security and price advantages of open source but mainly focuses on open standards -- the perils of vendor lock-in, and their importance to technologies like the Internet and digital music. Linux, and even Bugzilla get a mention and all told it is a very pro-open source/standards article, especially considering it is in a mass-circulation publication.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Photos: Tech wonders of the world - page 2 | CNET
Dancers drive Toyota Motor's human-controlled walking robot "I-foot," which measures 2.36 meters high, weighs 200 kilograms and can walk at a speed of 1.35kph.
mother digital: Remote Control Car Watch

Monday, March 07, 2005

Tranquil PC Limited New T2e with SP13000 & MCE 2005
IFILM - Movies: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Slashdot | Best Degree to Pair w/ a B.Sc. in Computer Science?
EAF - Desktops
Advent Media Center MC3040 Price: £450
Mr. Grimes’ Farewell
Richard is stepping down from his post of commenting on all things .NET. In his farewell address, he looks back at some missteps in the development of .NET and offers words of warning about the future of the platform

Friday, March 04, 2005

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Markl's ThoughtsMarc Lucovsky, one of Microsoft's key Windows architects has defected to Google.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Tuesday, March 01, 2005