Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Indians reign supreme in CA's million-$ challenge: "alent pool of the open source community, while providing substantial financial compensation to those who successfully met its requirements.

Under its terms, open source developers were invited to create solutions that enable users of popular databases to migrate to Ingres. Qualifying solutions were eligible for cash awards up to $400,000, with a total purse of $1 million.

Shift2Ingres, an Oracle migration toolkit submitted by Harsh Azad, Rohit Gaddi, Achal Rastogi, Geetanjali Bahuguna and Ashutosh Upadhyay of New Delhi won the largest prize of $400,000.

EzyMigrate, submitted by Danes John and Varghese Jacob of Kerala, was awarded a prize of $100,000;

DbConverter, submitted by Bipin Prasad of New York, "